Monthly Archives: August 2021

Wedgewood Happenings — 08.26.2021

Wedgewood  Country Club hosted the area cup matches Saturday and Sunday August 21 and 22nd.  The Randle-Hinkle team won with a total team score of  699.  Wedgewood finished with a score of 708; Marshfield 713 and Ava 756.  The Randle team consisted of Ryan Armstrong, Kevin Clark, Anthony Crisp, Aaron Hawkins, Devin Hawkins, Dustin Hawkins,…
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Wedgewood Happenings — 08.03.2021

Congratulations to Championship Flight winners Jody Jarrett, Cabool and Randy Emery, Mtn. Grove in the Wedgewood Annual Cat & Dog Tournament held July 31st and August 1st.  Jody and Randy, both Wedgewood members,  shot a 66.  Jackie Smith and Steve Slick both from Houston won second place with a score of 66 also.  Bev and…
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