The 2nd Annual Cabool Kiwanis 2-Person Scramble Golf Tournament will be held at Wedgewood Saturday, August 26 with tee times at 8:30 AM and 1:30 PM. The cost is $80 per team and includes lunch also water and soda will be provided throughout the day. Winners will receive cash prizes and additional prizes will be awarded. For additional information contact Jeremy Hannaford at 417.962.3168 or Debbie Lemon at 417.254.4214. You can sign up by visiting the Wedgewood proshop or calling 417.926.5374.
Men’s League results for August 8 included CTP John Cook, holes 2 and 7, and Harry Linton, hole 5. Skin winners were John Cook, holes 1 and 7; Brian Fleetwood, hole 2, Adam Howe, hole 3; Harry Linton, holes 5 and 9; and Doug Jones, holes 6 and 8. Congratulations to Brian Fleetwood, 1st place and John Cook, 2nd place.
Men’s League August 15 winners include CTP Gary Maggard, hole 2; Jordan Noirfalise, hole 5 and Dennis Branstetter, hole 7. The lone skin winner was Dennis Branstetter winning holes 3, 4 and 7. Adam Howe won 1st place and Dennis Branstetter, 2nd place.
From Our Files: 50 Years Ago — “Work is starting on a new golf course near Dunn.” Houston Herald August 10, 2017